地点:挪威的Smøla, Møre和Romsdal县

Smøla was Europe's largest onshore 风 power farm when all 68 turbines were put into operation by Statkraft in 2005, 直到2017年,该风电场一直是挪威最大的风电场.

What if someone told you that they have the solution to one of the world’s biggest challenges?

照片:Werner Zellien

And that the solution is not something that has been discovered in the past few years, 但它已经存在了一百多年?


图片来源:Ole Martin Wold

太阳是世界上发展最快的能源. 如果发展继续下去, up to 30 percent of the world's electricity needs could be covered by solar energy by 2040.

Or that the solution is constantly being developed and is being used by more and more countries around the world?


It is, of course, about hydropower, 风 power and solar power.

But did you know that the renewable solution to the world's climate crises is not just possible, 而且是有利可图的——而且不仅合乎逻辑, 但又高效又便宜?

利用太阳的能量, 风, 水和其他可再生资源, the world can be supplied with electricity at the same time as the challenges relating to climate change can be resolved.

“其实就是这么简单,乐天Løland Nordal说, Statkraft高级顾问, 欧洲最大的可再生能源生产国.


乐天Løland Nordal is Senior Advisor in corporate strategy and sustainability at Statkraft. (照片:十大最好的网赌平台)


Before we can talk about the solution, we must look at the problem. 气候变化 is to date the largest global challenge we have ever faced. 气候变化 is the global and local consequence of the fact that the Earth’s average temperature is rising.

This rise in temperature results in more extreme weather events, 更不稳定的取水途径, violent and more frequent forest fires and increasing melting of glaciers – to mention just a few of its consequences.

气候变化也会导致生物多样性的丧失. The experts call it a parallel natural disaster, in which animal and plant species disappear.


It makes sense that 挪威 should lead the way in supplying the world with more renewable energy, 乐天Løland Nordal指出.

“What is exciting about 挪威 is that we are far ahead of many other countries with regard to renewable energy. 这在很大程度上要归功于十大靠谱网赌的水电. As much as 98 per cent of the electricity generated in 挪威 comes from renewable sources. This gives us more room to focus on electrification, thereby reducing carbon emissions.”

挪威’s push to encourage the widespread use of electric cars is a good example. The same can be said of the investments currently being made to introduce electric ferries and develop better batteries – also a Norwegian 行业.

Underpinning it all is a century and a quarter of renewable energy production, 这样的投资完全合乎逻辑吗.

图片来源:Mikal seven

“What is exciting about 挪威 is that we are far ahead of many other countries with regard to renewable energy. 这在很大程度上要归功于十大靠谱网赌的水电. As much as 98 per cent of the electricity generated in 挪威 comes from renewable sources."


However, the majority of countries do not have access to as much renewable energy as 挪威.

“挪威在可再生能源生产方面处于领先地位, with almost 100 per cent of its electricity coming from renewable sources. This means that we can also lead the way when it comes to making the production of goods and services emission-free,Jon Evang说, energy subject responsible at the Norwegian environmental foundation ZERO.

Jon Evang
Jon Evang is responsible for energy matters in the environmental foundation ZERO.

The 环境al Foundation considers that it has only one 'client', and that is the climate issue. ZERO's stated goal is to drive zero-emission solutions at the expense of solutions that produce emissions.

“Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy is the only way to avoid harmful global warming. 如果十大靠谱网赌不解决气候危机, 自然界的危机只会加剧,Evang说。.

“Renewable energy is the engine that drives the ‘green shift’. We must build enough renewable energy infrastructure in a sensible way that takes account of the environment and biodiversity, 用可再生能源取代化石燃料.”


The good news is that advances are being made at breakneck speed. 是什么导致价格下跌. Cheap and fully comparable alternatives can replace fossil fuels. 在一些地方,这种情况已经在发生.

“在许多国家, solar and 风 power is already competitive with existing coal-fired electricity generation. 这是绿色转型的一个重要里程碑, providing grounds for optimism in the fight against climate change,Evang说。.

The fact that solar and 风 power have become more efficient, cheaper and more widely available means that growth countries like China and 印度 are actually shutting coal mines in favour of renewable alternatives. Renewable energy is now a real alternative for countries that had previously been planning additional coal-fired power plants.

“他们选择最便宜的选项. So growth in the renewables sector offers hope that we can reach our climate goals,” says Jon.

“We don’t have to producer more fossil-fuelled energy to meet the world’s energy needs. We can do so with various types of renewable energy, both on a large scale and on a small scale.”



Both ZERO's Jon Evang and Statkraft's 乐天Løland Nordal are optimists when it comes to the future.

“We don’t need to produce more fossil-based energy to meet the world’s energy needs. 十大靠谱网赌可以用可再生能源做到这一点,”Evang说.

“Renewable energy is the way to go, and we see that more and more people are realising that fact. 可再生能源的生产正在逐年扩大, 而且它的成本效益正在上升,诺达尔说。.

And that is an important point: Choosing renewable is certainly not a matter of idealism. 这是一笔好生意. 这是有利可图的.


照片:Siv Dolmen


Statkraft provides renewable energy to businesses, communities and homes around the world. The company invests exclusively in renewable energy and behaves in a sustainable and responsible manner.
